"To Dance With the White Dog" is the adaptation of a book of the same name, written by Terry Kay. This film is about Sam, a man who, after being married for over 50 years, loses his wife. As he learns to cope with the grief, he comes across a white dog that it seems only appears to him. His family begins to question his sanity, while he learns to enjoy life again with this dog.
The main issues in this movie involve Cora, Sam's wife, dying, Sam being the only one that can see the white dog, and Sam trying to continue his life without his wife while everyone else is trying to be too helpful. Sam's daughters hardly ever leave him alone, especially when he wants some peace and quiet, and they always try too hard to appear proper and to justify their every action.
Sam is played by Hume Cronyn, and Cora is played by Jessica Tandy. It is widely agreed that these two are the perfect roles for Cronyn and Tandy because both the actors, and the characters, had been married for about 50 years and were still greatly in love. This means that the two didn't have to really act as much as they just had to be themselves, which gave the film a very natural feeling. The rest of the actors were good supporting actors, but none of them could quite shine as well as Cronyn and Tandy could.
"To Dance with the White Dog" takes place in Hart County, Georgia on Sam and Cora's pecan farm in late 50s and early 60s. Hart County is a rural community, meaning that families stay close together and houses are spaced far from each other.
There may not be much action in this film, but the direction of it is quite clearly light hearted as well as dramatic. It involves everything from an elderly man teaching a dog to dance with his walker, to the dog saving his life. I would greatly recommend this movie as it is very well done and emotional.
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